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Take center stage in the Circle of Money

Be the Next Billion Dollar Unicorn

Raise capital and realize the opportunity of a lifetime

Financing Marketing Strategy

Introducing a new TV genre and a new way to invest: 'Enrichtainment', which combines entertainment with the opportunity to generate wealth. Enjoy and learn how to invest in companies with high potential to reach a billion-dollar valuation.


Joining the Unicorn Hunters is Simple


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Interview with the Unicorn Hunters selection committee.


Prepare your legendary pitch with the help of our team.


You can be the Next Unicorn Founder

If your business can change the world and you are an entrepreneur who is seeking US$10M+ of funding to take your company to a US$1B+ valuation you can be the next unicorn.

Founder Advantages

Global Exposure

When you take center stage, all eyes are on you and your pitch. The Unicorn Hunters takes your offering to a global audience where we crowdsource intelligence and funding, all the while we build momentum by promoting your success along the way.

Access To Our Network

Our highly motivated network of investors is standing by, waiting for the next big thing. Is it you?

Fund Raising Best Practices

This isn’t a one-time cash run, we’re here to help you access funding now while keeping your enterprise funded as you expand. We’re on your side when we leverage the Jobs Act to get you funded.

Worldwide Validation

We don’t think small at the Unicorn Hunters show, we’re here to bring your company to a global market — and we mean it. You’ll be in touch with investors from all around the globe who are gunning for a brilliant opportunity like yours.

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